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Thai Food, Fashion, and Beauty. Who said they all can't go together?? I'm Patty, a Thai student in Boston. PatiliciousFood shows how to fashionably cook healthy Thai Food online! Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/PatiliciousFood

Monday, March 28, 2011

Pud Woon Sen (Mungbean Noodles with Preserved Radish)

Pad Woon Sen

Hey there! I have always wanted to cook food using this delicious Preserved Chinese Radish! When I was in San Francisco, I tried this menu at a Thai restaurant and got addicted to it that I have to cook it by myself. This recipe does not contain meat, so it is very good for people who loves eating vegetarian food. For meat lovers, this is also a new dish for them to try. I promise that this easy recipe is as good as the meat menu!!! Let's try it!

Looks good huh! hahaha


a small portion                Mungbean noodles
                                        Shiitake mushrooms
2                                      Eggs
3 small pieces                  Garlic  
a small portion                 Preserved Chinese Radish                   
2 1/2 table spoons           Sugar
2 table spoons                 Soy sauce
1/3 table spoon                Black soy sauce

Step-By-Step Recipe

1. Put and rest Mungbean Noodles in water until it is soften. It will probably takes about 10-15 min

2. Wash preserved Chinese Radish in water and squeeze water out of it until the color changes to be pale. This is to get rid of the salt that comes with it, which might make your food becomes too salty.

3. In a pan, put some vegetable oil and fry it with chopped garlic, preserved Chinese radish, and all SUGAR until the garlic is a little bit cooked. By doing this, the radish will get a little bit sweet, instead of salty

4. Add mushrooms and stir fry until the mushrooms starts to smell nice
    Make a space in the middle of the pan
    Put 2 eggs and wait until 70 percent is cooked

5. Stir the eggs 

6. Put the Mungbean Noodles
    On top of noodles, put soy sauce and black soy sauce

7. Stir-fry until everything is well blend.
    Then, it is ready to be served!!!!!

Just want to update about myself. I just changed my hair color!!!! It's a little bit red now. Is it good or not? hahahaha

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Diet Plan and Tips

How to Lose Weight

Hi everyone, I just got back from my spring break trip, San Francisco. I love the city so much because there are so many great Thai restaurant over there (more than in Boston). Well...It turns out that I've been eating too much. Hahaha.....
I think it is time for me to lose some weight and get in shape, so here is the diet plan I used to try and it worked! I will have to repeat this again.

PS: You will definitely lose couple of kilos after following the plan for 2 weeks. However, from my experience, I prevent myself from 'yo-yo' effect by adapting my eating habit to be healthier by eating more vegetable and fruits and drinking 1.5 liter of water per day in order to maintain the weight!

This Formula come with Soup recipe that you have to cook. You can eat this soup anytime when you feel hungry, except for the first day of the plan.

celery                 1
cabbage             1
onion                 6
sweet pepper     2
tomatoes            4   
soy sauce
PS: Keep tasting your soup as you add more ingredient until you are satisfied.

Diet Plan
Day 1: Eat only non-sweet Fruits such as green apple, water melon, melon, and guava

Day 2: Eat only Vegetable, NO Fruits. Vegetable could be cooked in many ways, such as stir-fried vegetable, vegetable clear soup (suki), and salad

Day 3: Eat both Fruits and Vegetable

Day 4: Eat 3 Bananas and non-fat milk (1 banana and milk for one meal)

Day 5: Eat 10-20 grams of White Meat (grilled, saute', and boiled) + 6 Tomatoes.

Day 6: Can choose meat out of the following choices (Fish, Chicken, Seafood, Pork) served with salads of your choice. Avoid deep fried meat.

Day 7: Eat Brown Rice + Vegetable, no fruits nor meat.

**After the 7th day, you can repeat the plan from the day 1, in order to lose more weight**
***During the plan, NO Alcohol and sweeten soft drinks***

I will also post Thai vegetable recipe and step-by-step methods, so you can still enjoy delicious Thai food, while you are on diet!!!! Keep checking my blog!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tod Mun Kung (Thai Prawn Nuggets)

Tod Mun Kung

Hi! everyone, I have another recipe that would be great for your house party. This is like a deep fried , quick and easy, menu that would go well with your drinks, especially beers. My roommate recipe is a little bit different from others because she found out how to reduce fat by using ground pork rather than pork fat! Here we go, quick and easy Thai recipe.

        prawn : ground pork           proportion 4: 1
                                               (see picture for the estimation)

     pepper                                  ½ tea spoon
     sugar                                   1 table spoon
      salt                                      ½ tea spoon
     sesame oil                           ½ tea spoon
      crumble bread
       eggs                                   1

1.  Chop all the prawns into very little pieces

           2. Mix prawns with ground pork
              Put pepper, sugar, salt, and sesame sauce

 3. Blend egg in a bowl
      Prepare crumble bread in a plate

               4. Ball up the meat
             Coat the prawn ball with egg
             Coat it again with bread
             Fry them until it changes to golden color

         5.  Your food is ready! This Thai Prawns Nuggets are good to be served plum sauce (from asian supermarket)! 


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fried Chicken Wing (Thai Style)

Here is another menu my roommate cooked for our dinner while I was having class ^_^ This Thai fried chicken wings is just so good that I have to share the quick, easy Recipe and Methods! 
You can also cook this for your parties! Here we go.....

1.     Pepper                   1 tea spoon
2.     Fish Sauce             3 table spoons
3.     Chicken wings     15 wings
4.     Vegetable oil


1. Warm oil with 'high' heat

2. While waiting for the oil, Mix chicken wings, pepper, and fish sauce in a bowl.

3. Once the oil get hot enought, reduce the heat to 'Meduim'
    Fry chicken wings until they turn golden color and chrispy!!!

4. Your Thai style Chicken wings is ready! Thanks to Bo ;)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Five Spice Stew with Eggs and Chicken

Hi, here is how to cook Five Stew with Eggs and Chicken or 'Khai-pa-lo'. Thanks to my lovely sister, Bo, she is the best cook around here :D 

6                                     Eggs
8                                     Chicken wings
8   table spoons               Soy sauce
12 table spoons               Black soy sauce
12 table spoons               Sugar
3 1/2  table spoons          Pa-lo instant powder 
                                     (Lobo: Chinese Five Spice Blend Powder)
3                                     Garlic
2   tea spoons                  Pepper

Pa-lo powder is available in Asain supermarket ex. 88 supermarket


1. Boil eggs in a pot

2. Chop garlic

3. In a separate pot, stir fry garlic in hot oil until it changes color

4. Put chicken wings, soy sauce, black soy sauce, pa-lo powder, and pepper

5. After the Chicken starts to get cooked, add water up to the level that chicken wings get covered
    Add sugar

6. Let it boil for 30 min.
    Put boiled eggs in
    Continue cooking until the chicken wings get soft (about 1 hour)
    Your Pa-lo is ready!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chicken Green Curry

Here is my simple, but delicious, version of Green Curry. You would be surprised what I put in there ;)


                               Chicken breast
                               Shiitake mushroom (I love it!)
11 table spoons       Sugar
9   table spoons       Fish sauce
9                             Thai Chili Pepper
2 small cans            Green Curry Paste 
                                (available in Asian grocery store ex.  88 Supermarket)
1 can                       Coconut milk


Warning: This could make your hair smells like food all day long. To prevent this, I have a method for you. Take your old t-shirt. Put it through your head. Then, pull the shirt up just to cover your hair! haha. It looks funny but it works really GREAT!

hahhahahahahahahahahahaha. :P

1. Boil Chicken meat into boiling water until it is cooked

2. While waiting for the chicken, in another pan, set the heat as medium
     Put oil and Green Curry Paste in. Stir fry 
     Put a small portion (about 3/4) of coconut milk.
     Stir it until you can see some oil rise above the surface.

3. Put Chicken, and mushroom
    Add the rest of coconut milk
    Add Chili Pepper
    Add sugar and fish sauce

4. Keep stirring until its boiling a little bit
    Add a cup of water
    Wait until the soup gets a little bit boiled
    (you can taste it and add more fish sauce or sugar, if you like)

5. It's done!!!!

To be healthy, you can serve it with brown rice!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spicy Cod Roe Pasta

Quick and easy menu in a rush Hour. Got this recipe from my own lovely Roommate ^_^ Love It!!!
If you like it, be my follower and give me comments :)


6-8                       Shrimp
1 pack                 Spicy Cod Roe sauce 
                   (from mirim-oriental-groceries-allston or other asian grocery)
                           Minced Garlic
                           Thai Chili Pepper
1 table spoon       Fish sauce
1/2 table spoon    Sugar
1 serving             Elbows


1. Put oil in your pan and set the heat as 'high'.
    Wait until the oil gets really hot
    Put garlic, chili pepper in

2. Stir until the garlic turn yellow
    Put shrimp

3. Stir until the shrimp turn pink
    Put Elbows
   On top of elbows, put spicy cod roe sauce, fish sauce, and sugar

4. Stir fry until the pasta gets a little dry.
    Your Spicy Cod Roe is ready!!!! Isn't it quick and easy????

Now, I'm ready for my Statistic class -"-